Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today I found out that my pattern "On The Go" was selected as one of the 75 semifinalists in the Spoonflower/Michael Miller Project Selvage competition.  What a rush!  I have this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment that I have not felt in sooo long!  I know that this is only the first stage of the competition, but still....It has been a long time since I got this kind of recognition.  There are so many excellent patterns in the contest.  There are even some that I expected to see in the top 75 that are just not there.  The task for this initial stage was to create a pattern for baby boys.  (For any of you out there who would like to help me get into the next phase of the contest,  you can go to and vote in the weekly contest for my entry.  My call name is Fabgirl 42 and my pattern is the one posted with this note.) I guess the ideas came easily to me since I am surrounded by boys.  My three wonderfully creative sons all contributed to my design.  They stood over my shoulder and suggested vehicles that I include in my pattern.  It was fun, and they really felt like part of the process.  My older boys came home from school today and immediately asked if I had made it into the top 75.  They look at my patterns both woven and printed and already think I am famous.  It feels good to have their support and encouragement.  So please excuse me while I don my rockstar sunglasses and make some  dinner for my biggest fans!

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